All posts filed under: Beauty

“And you’re looking tired, but you don’t look scared…”

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Beauty / Uncategorized

I kind of have a weird obsession with being clean. I’d take half a dozen showers every day if I could, and my favourite products to buy when I’m overseas are cleanser and shower gel. A few years ago when I was in Japan I was almost overwhelmed with joy when I came across these immense drugstores stocking every kind of beauty product you could imagine. With many of them I couldn’t even understand the […]

“It’s 3am and the moonlight’s testing me…”

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Beauty / Uncategorized

I’m not a particularly superstitious person but I like the logic of routine and over the years I’ve developed a series of little steps I do before or during every trip. For example, I always buy a new shower gel from the Body Shop to take with me. I eat the same chicken sandwich and drink the same lemon mineral water from the same cafe at the airport before I go. I take a roll […]

“It’s only an imaginary vigil that we keep…”

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Beauty / Uncategorized

I knew the second I touched it that I’d lost it. It bounced, almost in slow motion, while I looked on horrified. Then it shattered on the tiled floor in a way that left me with absolutely no doubt that it was completely unrecoverable. With a mixture of disappointment and disgust I picked up as many pieces of the broken blue glass as possible and threw them in the bin. As something of a beauty […]

“And it’s crazy how lately now it just seems to come in waves…”

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Beauty / Uncategorized

I got lost trying to find my accomodation the first time I went to Paris. It was grey and rainy and I ran into a video shop for help, trying to understand the attendant’s broken English and relay my dilemma with a French vocabulary that didn’t extend much further than “bonjour”. I couldn’t event tell you where it was that I stayed now. It was a little hostel somewhere way on the outskirts of the […]